
No Pink Perma Blend 15 ml


Perma Blend’s No Pink permanent makeup pigment: cette couleur sera utilisée que si vous avez du mal à faire correspondre le ton de certains types de peau. Ajoutez juste une «dip» ou une goutte et cela annulera toute couleur rose. Cette couleur vous aidera à trouver la correspondance parfaite avec quelqu’un de Fitzpatrick 3,4 (Cool).

45.00$ + txs


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A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering

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